Sunday, July 1, 2012

Why Do Men Get Ear Piercings?

A friend of mine was talking about body piercing the other day and said to me, 'I don't understand why men get their ears pierced – that's just for girls!' I'll admit, it did shock me! I myself prefer not to force foreign metal objects through my body parts, but for someone in today's body modification tolerant society to indicate that ear piercing is only for women seemed really strange! So just for fun, here are ten reasons why a man might want to pierce his ears! Some are true, others are just silly reasons me and my buddy added to make it a nice even ten.

  1. Fashion. Body modification is often about enhancing the way you look or following the latest trend. Many men feel piercings are attractive and/or stylish.
  2. Culture. Piercing originated as a custom or tradition in many religions. Some men are merely following tradition in having a ritual piercing.
  3. Status/Wealth. Some people like to show their wealth and a flashy gold or diamond earing is a perfect way to say 'look at me! I'm rich!'
  4. To fit the role. If a man is playing a certain part he will get his ears pierced to get the look. I don't just mean actors! Even men who just want to present a certain image to the world will do this because it is expected of them.
  5. For Love! Some girls find piercings sexy, and guys will often do anything to get the girl of their dreams!
  6. To keep the peace! Say your girlfriend buys you an earring assuming ou have a pierced ear – it's sometimes easier to just go with it and have a piercing dne to make her happy!
  7. As a symbol of homosexuality. I'm not sure how true it is, but supposedly wearing a single earing on the right lobe indicates to others that you are homosexual.
  8. Acupunture. There is a point of vision in the centre of the earlobe. Many believe wearing earrings permanently stimulates this and can be theraputic.
  9. Status/Power. A different type of status symbol here – some cultures, for example Buddhists – believe long lobes signify spirtual superiorty, so they stretch the lobes.
  10. Rebellion. Someties it's just an act of rebellion, although its so common now it's more like an act of blending in.

Whatever, the reason if you want to get pierced then do it!

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