Monday, June 11, 2012

Bodymod more popular than ever

A friend of mine has just had a metal bar put through his penis!  No, his woman did not catch him playing in someone else's pool :p  This dude volunteered for this so called 'body modification' and that's not all, he's got those Ear Plugs done too, you know, the ones like an Amozon Indian has LOL.  Whatever your opinion of this (I got tattoos which I regret having), you gotta ask yourself the question, why now?  I mean, how come all of a sudden this is reaching such huge popularity.  I guarantee you, just walk down an average busy sidewalk in any North American City and you will not pass more than a block without seeing examples of either Piercings or Body Mod as they call it, and I don't mean earings.
My theory is that everyone are kinda 'bored', that everything else has been done.  People, certain people, want to be 'different' and so they go and get some stuff 'inserted' into them ..... errm I think I am going to change the subject - what do you think?

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